Data Protection Policy


SOLIDEO ECO SYSTEMS, S.L. wishes to inform the users of our website (hereinafter, the “Website”) and our customers of this additional information on data protection (hereinafter, “Privacy Policy”), in which we provide, in a transparent manner, all the information about the processing of your personal data, the purposes for which we process it, and the rights you can exercise in relation thereto.

The company responsible for the processing is SOLIDEO ECO SYSTEMS, S.L. (hereinafter, “ACCIONA Energia”) incorporated under Spanish law and the holder of Tax Identification Code B-67522110, with its registered offices on the Carretera de Rubí, 102, 08174 Sant Cugat del Valles, (Barcelona); and on file at the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona under Volume 46.090, Folio 24, Sheet B509105.
If you have any questions about our processing of your personal data, please contact us by e-mail at

Personal data is information that identifies or can identify a person. For example, data that can directly identify a person is their name and surname, while an ID number can be used to identify them. Personal data includes information such as their cell phone number, e-mail address, date of birth, and gender, among others. It may also include numerical identifiers, such as the IP address of one’s computer, as well as information obtained through cookies.

Personal data processing is any operation, or set of operations, that we carry out with your personal data, such as the collection, recording, storage, use and communication of your data.

In order to properly perform the data processing indicated in this Privacy Policy, we need to collect certain information about you. Below you can see the specified personal data that we can collect from customers and users through ACCIONA Energia’s various channels of interaction and communication, classified by their forms of processing:

Management of the contractual relationship with the customer

● To properly provide the services contracted by the client.

● To provide customers with advice and assistance.

● To provide customer service.

● To manage the effective payment of services.

● To handle any incidents or claims related to the service contracted.

● To inform them of events or other activities especially intended for ACCIONA Energia customers.

● To send satisfaction and service rating surveys.

● To provide customer service to Users in order to process and respond to questions or requests for information sent through any of ACCIONA Energia’s communication channels.

● Name and surname

● DNI, NIE or Passport

● Date of birth

● Gender

● Address

● Email

● Telephone number

● Contracting history

● Communications and/or interaction maintained with ACCIONA Energia’s through ACCIONA Energia’s communication channels.

The sending of commercial communications by electronic means● To send commercial and promotional communications by electronic means about ACCIONA Energia services, products and news.

● First and last name

● Email

The management of personnel selection processes● To evaluate the job application submitted by the user and, if applicable, manage his/her CV and take it into account for possible selection processes.

● Name and surname

● Date of birth

● Gender

● Address

● Email

● Telephone number

● Image

● Information contained on the resume, such as academic record, career, qualifications, skills, competencies, recommendations, etc.

Análisis de uso, funcionamiento y mejora del Sitio Web

● Reconocer al usuario cuando vuelve al Sitio Web.

● Mantener la seguridad y proteger el Sitio Web de usos malintencionados

● Adecuar el Sitio Web al tipo de dispositivo empleado.

● Adecuar el Sitio Web a los criterios de personalización elegidos por el Usuario y recordarlos

● Analizar los usos del Sitio Web más comunes, valorar la efectividad de sus capas, detectar las fechas/horas de mayor afluencia de Usuarios y detectar patrones de navegación

● Información sobre su uso y navegación por el Sitio web (página web desde la que llega al Sitio web, capas del mismo visitadas, procesos iniciados y abandonados, dirección IP, tipo de dispositivo desde el que accede, tiempo que ha permanecido en el Sitio Web, etc.).
Mantenimiento de listas de supresión● Mantener en una lista de supresión con la confirmación de aquellos Usuarios/Clientes que hayan solicitado la supresión de sus datos o su oposición al tratamiento de los mismos

● Nombre y apellidos

● Email

At ACCIONA Energia we only collect and process information that you provide us via the following channels:

  • Contact or customer service form, available on the website, email or by telephone;
  • By contracting our services;
  • Through a subscription to receiving our commercial communications;
  • By submitting your resume; and
  • Interaction with the website through your use of it by browsing.
  • Right of access
    You have the right to know whether ACCIONA Energia is processing your personal data and, if so, what data it is processing.
  • Right of rectification
    You have the right to change any inaccurate or incomplete information about yourself. To do so, you must indicate which data you wish to change, and provide appropriate proof.
  • Right of objection
    In the cases provided for by law, you can object at any time, for reasons related to your particular situation, to the processing of your data. In our case, you can object at any time to the processing of your data for the sending of advertising and promotional communications by electronic means by contacting us at or by following the instructions at the end of each of these communications.
  • Right of suppression
    This right allows you to cancel your personal data. This does not mean that your data will be completely deleted, but rather that it will be kept blocked in such a way as to prevent its processing, without prejudice to it being made available to public administrations, judges and courts in the event of possible liabilities that may have arisen as a result of the processing during their limitation periods.
  • Right to data portability
    You have the right to receive and/or transfer to a data controller other than ACCIONA Energia any personal data on you that you have provided to us.
  • Right to the limitation of processing
    You have the right to ask us to suspend the processing of your data when (i) you have contested its accuracy, while ACCIONA Energia verifies this accuracy; or (ii) you have exercised your right to object to the processing of your data, while we verify whether ACCIONA Energia legitimate reasons override yours as a data subject. Likewise, this right allows you to ask ACCIONA Energia to retain your personal data when (i) the data processing is unlawful and, as a data subject, you object to the suppression of your data, requesting instead a restriction of its use; or (ii) ACCIONA Energia no longer needs your personal data for processing purposes, but does for the formulation or exercise of claims, or defense from them.

You may exercise your rights by sending us your request to the following e-mail address:; or by post by means of a written and signed request, proving your identity in both cases, addressed to: SOLIDEO ECO SYSTEMS, S.L. with its registered office on the Carretera de Rubí, 102, 08174 Sant Cugat del Valles,(Barcelona). Likewise, we inform you that, in the event that you believe that ACCIONA Energia has not properly honored your prerogative to exercise your rights, you may file a claim before the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) via its web page at

We want to be transparent with you and inform you about the processing that we carry out with your data and the purposes for which we do so. Thus, we have separated the information in separate tables, with each one describing the processing of personal data and containing the following information:

For what purposes do we process your data?

In this column we explain the purposes for which we process your personal data.

What is the legal basis that empowers us to process your data?

Data protection regulations require that, in order to process your personal data, we must have a basis that empowers us to do so. Thus, in order to process your personal information in a lawful manner, we rely on the following legal bases, depending on the processing we carry out of your data. The legal bases for the processing of your personal data may be:

  • Legitimate interest: ACCIONA Energia may have a legitimate interest in carrying out certain processing of the personal data of data subjects. In any case, this legitimate interest is based on an analysis of the appropriate balance of our interests in processing your personal data and the rights and freedoms of data subjects. The result of this analysis will determine whether or not we can use your personal information for the processing described in this Privacy Policy.
  • The execution of a contract: in order for us to fulfill our obligations under the service contract signed with us, we need to collect and process your personal data. The refusal to provide personal data necessary to manage the request, or contract for the provision of services, will make it impossible for us to provide you with the services requested.
  • Compliance with a legal obligation: ACCIONA Energia, as a company, is responsible for the personal data of the Data Subject and, therefore, must comply with a series of obligations imposed by accounting, tax, consumer, crime prevention, etc. regulations. In those cases in which the legal justification for the processing of personal data is the fulfillment of a legal obligation, interested parties may not oppose its processing.
  • Your consent: In the event that ACCIONA Energia wishes to carry out any processing of your data whose legal justification cannot be based on any of the reasons explained above, we will ask for your prior consent. In any case, we will duly inform you in advance of all the aspects arising from said processing, and you can always withdraw your consent after you have provided it.

How long do we keep your data?

In this column we inform you approximately how long your data will be kept. The retention time will depend, in any case, on the processing of your personal information carried out. Please note that certain regulations may require us to retain certain user data for a certain period of time.

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

This column describes the rights you can exercise over your personal data, depending on the processing that is performed on it. Please note that, depending on the legal basis that legitimizes the processing of your data, your rights may be limited.

Below you will find a more detailed description of the various processing operations that ACCIONA Energia carries out on your personal data:

1. Managment of the contractual relationship with costumers

For what purposes do we process your data?  

On what legal basis do we process your data? 

How long do we keep your personal data?  

What are your rights and how can you exercise them?

● To correctly provide the services contracted by the client.

● To provide customers with advice and assistance.

● To provide customer service.

● To manage the effective payment of services.

● To manage any incidents or claims related to the service contracted.

● To communicate with you about events or other activities intended especially for ACCIONA Energia customers.

● To send satisfaction and service rating surveys.

● To provide customer service to Users in order to process and respond to questions or requests for information sent through any of ACCIONA Energia communication channels.

Execution of the service contract signed by ACCIONA Energia and the client.

The customer’s personal data will be processed by ACCIONA Energia for as long as the existing relationship between ACCIONA Energia and the customer is in force.

Subsequently, the personal data provided will be retained for the legally stipulated period that may arise as a result of the relationship existing between ACCIONA Energia and the customer.

Upon reaching the end of the personal data conservation period, ACCIONA Energia will delete the customer’s personal data.

You may exercise the rights described in Section 5 of this Privacy Policy, as set forth in that section.

2. Envío de comunicaciones comerciales por vías electrónicas


¿Para qué finalidades tratamos tus datos?¿Sobre qué base legal tratamos tus datos?¿Durante cuánto tiempo conservamos tus datos personales?¿Cuáles son tus derechos y cómo puedes ejercerlos?
Enviar comunicaciones comerciales y promocionales por vías electrónicas sobre los servicios, productos y novedades de ACCIONA Energia.La base legal para el tratamiento de tus datos es el consentimiento del usuario o, en caso de existir una relación jurídica previa, el interés legítimo de ACCIONA Energia de mantener una comunicación directa regular con sus clientes con fines de mercadotecnia.

Los datos personales serán tratados por ACCIONA Energia hasta que ejerza su derecho de oposición o supresión.

En caso de que ejerza dichos derechos, los datos personales proporcionados se conservarán debidamente bloqueados durante el plazo legalmente estipulado de prescripción de las acciones que puedan derivarse del tratamiento.

Alcanzado el plazo máximo de conservación de los datos personales, ACCIONA Energia anonimizará o eliminará los datos personales del usuario.

Podrá oponerse a recibir comunicaciones comerciales en cualquier momento a través de las siguientes vías:

–  Revocando su consentimiento en cualquier momento a través del envío de un correo electrónico solicitándolo a:

–  siguiendo las instrucciones en el pie del cuerpo de cada una de las comunicaciones electrónicas que reciba.

Asimismo, podrá ejercer los demás derechos descritos en el punto 5 de la presente política de privacidad, según lo estipulado en los mismos.

3. Gestión de los procesos de selección de personal

¿Para qué finalidades tratamos sus datos?¿Sobre qué base legal tratamos sus datos?¿Durante cuánto tiempo conservamos sus datos personales?¿Cuáles son sus derechos y cómo puede ejercerlos?
● Valorar la solicitud de empleo remitida por el usuario y, en su caso, gestionar su CV y tenerlo en cuenta en posibles procesos de selección.El consentimiento de los solicitantes y/o candidatos.

Los datos proporcionados serán conservados hasta la adjudicación del puesto de trabajo, durante 2 años desde el momento en que fueron recogidos o proporcionados por el solicitante o candidato o hasta que este último ejerza su derecho de oposición o supresión o retire su consentimiento.

Alcanzado el plazo máximo de conservación de los datos, ACCIONA Energia eliminará los datos personales del solicitante de empleo.

Podrá ejercer los derechos descritos en el apartado 5 de la presente Política de Privacidad, según lo estipulado en dicho apartado.

4. Análisis de uso, funcionamiento y mejora del Sitio Web

¿Para qué finalidades tratamos tus datos?¿Sobre qué base legal tratamos tus datos?¿Durante cuánto tiempo conservamos tus datos personales?¿Cuáles son tus derechos y cómo puedes ejercerlos?

·       Reconocer al usuario cuando vuelve al Sitio Web.

·       Mantener la seguridad y proteger el Sitio Web de usos malintencionados

·       Adecuar el Sitio Web al tipo de dispositivo empleado.

·       Adecuar el Sitio Web a los criterios de personalización elegidos por el Usuario y recordarlos

·       Analizar los usos del Sitio Web más comunes, valorar la efectividad de sus capas, detectar las fechas/horas de mayor afluencia de Usuarios y detectar patrones de navegación.

·       Estudiar posibles mejoras del sitio Web para optimizar la usabilidad y experiencia del Usuario.

La base legal para el tratamiento de tus datos son el consentimiento de los usuarios.

Conservaremos sus datos personales durante el plazo que cada tipo de cookie necesite o hasta que retire su consentimiento o ejercite su derecho de oposición.

Alcanzado el plazo máximo de conservación de los datos, ACCIONA Energia eliminará los datos personales

Podrá ejercer los derechos descritos en el apartado 5 de la presente Política de Privacidad.

También puede parametrizar el uso de cookies a través de nuestra herramienta de gestión de cookies o través del navegador de Internet que utilice para navegar por el Sitio Web, tal y como le explicamos en nuestra Política de Cookies.

5. Mantenimiento de listas de supresión actualizadas para evitar ser contactado

¿Para qué finalidades tratamos sus datos?¿Sobre qué base legal tratamos sus datos?¿Durante cuánto tiempo conservamos sus datos personales?¿Cuáles son sus derechos y cómo puede ejercerlos?
● Mantener en una lista de supresión con la confirmación de aquellos usuarios que hayan solicitado la supresión de sus datos o su oposición al tratamiento de los mismos.Obligación legal: el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 27 de abril de 2016, relativo a la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales y a la libre circulación de estos datos y por el que se deroga la Directiva 95/46/CE nos obliga a respetar sus derechos y mantener evidencia del cumplimiento por nuestra parte de su petición de ejercicio del derecho de supresión.

Conservaremos sus datos personales durante el plazo legalmente previsto para la interposición de cualquier reclamación en relación con la efectiva o deficiente respuesta por nuestra parte al derecho de supresión u oposición que haya ejercitado.

Alcanzado el plazo máximo de conservación de los datos, ACCIONA Energia eliminará los datos personales del usuario y/o cliente.

Los derechos descritos en el apartado 5 de la presente Política de Privacidad quedan limitados por ser este un tratamiento fundamentado en una obligación legal, como se explica en el citado apartado.

ACCIONA Energía will not convey the personal information you provide to us through the channels described in Section Four to third parties, except when strictly necessary for the provisioning of the contracted services.

We may disclose your personal data to other third parties in the event of a legal requirement or basis that legitimizes this disclosure.

  • Legal Advisors
  • Courts and Tribunals
  • Tax Administration
  • Government and Public Administration Agencies
  • State Security Forces and Corps
  • Spanish Data Protection Agency

We may also disclose your personal information in the following cases:

  • If we, or, substantially, all of our assets, are acquired by a third party, in which case personal data held by us about our customers and users will be one of the assets transferred. Any such transaction will be previously reported and announced.
  • To protect the security and rights of our staff, our customers and users, and our information systems, and to defend the interests of the company itself. This includes exchanging information with law enforcement agencies or courts in cases of fraud detection, identity theft or any other unlawful use, processing or act.

ACCIONA Energia does not transfer personal data outside the European Economic Area.

ACCIONA Energia informs users that we work with third-party providers whose services are necessary for the proper functioning and security of our information systems and that, through the exercise of their activity, may have access to your data. This is the case, for example, with providers who help us to improve and optimize our corporate websites, and providers of maintenance and communication services for our databases and information and data storage systems.

In order to ensure the fair and transparent processing of your personal information, we will adopt appropriate procedures, including the implementation of technical and organizational measures that take into account potential risk, and correct any inaccuracies identified in the personal data processed, so that the risk of any errors is minimized, thereby processing your data fairly and securely.

All information you provide to us will be stored on secure servers. Thus, once we have received all your information we will use strict security procedures to try to prevent unauthorized access. Unfortunately, the transmission or communication of information via the Internet is not completely secure.

Likewise, we ensure that our service providers also have adequate security standards for the protection of personal data to which they have or may have access, in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation in force at any given time.

This Privacy Policy may vary over time due to possible changes in criteria followed by the Spanish Data Protection Agency or other supervisory authorities, legislative amendments that may be passed, and case law pronouncements that may be applicable to this privacy policy. ACCIONA Energia, therefore, reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy in order to adapt it to such criteria, as well as to new jurisprudential or legislative developments.

Last version: January 2022

Cookie Policy


This Cookies Policy explains what cookies are, how SOLIDEO ECO SYSTEMS, S.L. (hereinafter, “ACCIONA Energia”) uses them on its website at (hereinafter, the “Website”), and how the user can manage them.

We hereby inform you that you can refuse or reconfigure the use of cookies at any time through the panel available under the “Manage Consent” tab, always accessible at the bottom left of the screen.

A cookie is any type of data storage and retrieval device used on a user’s device for the purpose of storing information and retrieving information already stored. Thus, cookies are small data files that are stored on the user’s device and contain certain information about the user’s visit to the website. The cookie is downloaded by the device used to access the site and stored on its hard drive. In this Cookie Policy we use the word “cookie” to refer to all files that store information in this way.

Cookies serve a variety of purposes, including allowing the Website to recognize your device when you visit us again, thereby ensuring that you receive the right content, or to store information about preferences or services that you have provided to us. Cookies do not harm the user’s device.

Cookies can be differentiated according to the purpose for which they are used, their duration, or who manages them. It is important to note that the same cookie may belong to different categories. Below is a description of the cookies used on the Website:

According to the purpose of the cookies

Technical Cookies

Technical cookies are those that allow you to navigate the Website and use the different options or services it offers. Our Website uses technical cookies, some of which are essential for the operation of the site, such as cookies that allow us to identify users so that they can enter their private access information, or maintain the session with the server. If you choose not to enable these cookies, browsing the Website may not be possible, or may be much less satisfactory because there is content that you cannot see or functions that you cannot use.

Analytics Cookies

Analytics cookies allow us to obtain generic information about those times you have accessed the Website in order to provide us with aggregate information about this for statistical purposes. This type of cookie is used to analyze how users browse the Website and to monitor its performance. In addition, the tools used to obtain Website usage statistics offer the possibility of obtaining an increasingly high level of detail about the behavior of site visitors and users. This data may be collected, processed and retained in association with an IP address or a specific user, or be subject to a disassociation process in order to obtain conclusions based on anonymous data.

The information collected through cookies may include, among other data, the IP address that identifies the computer at that moment, the date and time of access, and the areas of the Website that are visited. The purpose of this data collection is to monitor the use and usefulness of our Website for statistical and security purposes.

Behavioral advertising cookies

These cookies store information on user behavior obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows us to develop a specific profile to show them advertising based on them. We use these cookies to manage, as effectively as possible, advertising space on other websites based on criteria such as the content edited or the frequency at which ads are displayed.

Personalization cookies

These are those that make it possible to remember information, for the user to access the Website and the services it offers, with certain features that can differentiate one’s experience from that of other users; such as, for example, the language, the number of results to display when the user performs a search, the appearance or content of the service, depending on the type of browser through which the user accesses the service, the region from which you access the service, etc.. Cookies can also be used to remember the user’s settings and preferences in terms of design, colors and areas or menus that one wants to have more accessible on the home screen. We use functionality cookies to remember the user’s preferences.

Depending on the entity that manages them

Own Cookies

These are cookies sent to your device from a computer or domain managed by ACCIONA Energia and from which the service requested is provided.

Third-party cookies

These are cookies that are sent to your device from a computer or domain that is not managed by ACCIONA Energia, but by another entity that processes the data obtained via the cookies.

Depending on the activation period

Session Cookies

These are cookies designed to collect and store data while the user accesses the Website.

Persistent Cookies

These are cookies in which the data remain stored in the user’s terminal and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the party responsible for the cookie, which can range from a few minutes to several years.

At ACCIONA Energia we use both our own and third-party cookies on the Website for different purposes. Below is a list of the cookies that you can find on our Website:


Please note that, in addition to using our cookie management panel, you can also disable or block cookies by activating the settings on your browser, allowing you to refuse the installation of all or some of the cookies. If you reject cookies, you will still be able to use our Website, although the use of some of the services may be limited and, as a result, your experience on our Website will be less satisfactory.

If you wish to withdraw your consent in relation to this Cookie Policy, you must delete the cookies stored on your computer on the settings and configurations of your Internet browser.

You can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring the options of the browser installed on your computer. For more information on how to adjust your cookie settings in the following browsers, we refer you to the relevant link:

Internet Explorer:




This Cookie Policy is subject to changes or modifications, so we recommend that you review this policy each time you access our Website in order to be properly informed about how and why we use cookies.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about the Cookies Policy, please contact us by e-mail at

Version effective as of: January 18, 2022

Website Terms and Conditions


The website at (hereinafter, the “Website”) is owned by the company SOLIDEO ECO SYSTEMS, S.L., with its registered office on the Carretera de Rubí, 102, 08174 Sant Cugat del Valles,(Barcelona) and the holder of CIF B-67522110, on file at the Commercial Registry of Barcelona: Volume 46.090, Folio 24, Sheet B509105 (hereinafter, “ACCIONA Energia”). ACCIONA Energia makes the Website available to Internet users so that they can learn about the company, find out about the services it offers, and contact it.

The website at (hereinafter, the “Website”) is owned by the company SOLIDEO ECO SYSTEMS, S.L., with its registered office on the Carretera de Rubí, 102, 08174 Sant Cugat del Valles, (Barcelona) and the holder of CIF B-67522110 and on file at the Commercial Registry of Barcelona: Volume 46.090, Folio 24, Sheet B509105 (hereinafter, “ACCIONA Energia”).

ACCIONA Energia makes the Website available to Internet users so that they can learn about the company, find out about the services it offers, and contact it.

These General Terms of Use of the Website (hereinafter, the “Conditions of Use”) govern, together with the set of rules on the use of the Website, the relationship between ACCIONA Energia and its Users. These Terms of Use specifically regulate the rules to be respected and complied with when using the Website. Therefore, the User is advised to read these Terms of Use carefully before browsing the Website.

These Terms of Use will always be available to Users on the Website in English so that they can consult them, file them or print them whenever they wish.

Both these Terms of Use, as well as the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy, have been drafted in accordance with the provisions of the current applicable regulations on the Internet, consumers and users, electronic commerce and data protection, and, among others, Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce; Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, 2018 on Personal Data Protection and the guaranteeing of digital rights; and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, repealing Directive 95/46/EC.

By accessing the Website you become a user (hereinafter, the “User”). The User may freely browse the Website and access it as many times as he/she wishes. Access to the Website is free of charge, except for the cost of connecting to it through whatever telecommunications network providing Internet access that the User has chosen.

By accessing and browsing the Website, the User declares that he/she is of legal age and has the necessary legal capacity to browse the Website, as well as to fully understand and accept these Terms of Use.

As a User, you agree to use the Website in accordance with these Terms of Use, good faith, and current legislation. Likewise, you manifest and ensure that you are of legal age and understand these Terms of Use. Any use of the Website and its functionalities that is fraudulent, abusive, illicit or contrary to good faith by the User is strictly prohibited.

In any case, the User shall not:

  • Reproduce, distribute, publicly communicate, transform or modify the Website or any of its contents, including these Terms of Use, regardless of the purpose of such use, without prior, written authorization from ACCIONA Energia.
  • Introduce into the Website or its network data programs likely to cause damage to the computer systems of ACCIONA Energia, its suppliers or third parties.
  • Carry out any type of activity that is illicit, fraudulent, contrary to these Terms of Use, current legislation and/or good faith, or that prevents and/or hampers the proper use of the Website or its contents.
  • Insert on other websites, platforms, forums, chat rooms, blogs or social networks any type of link that makes it possible to link or reproduce the Website or the contents thereof on other websites, platforms, forums, chat rooms, blogs or social networks, except if the link is only directly to the home page of the Website, without being able to reproduce it in any way.
  • Link or reproduce the Website or its contents from other websites, platforms, forums, chat rooms, blogs or social networks that are contrary to the law, offensive to human dignity, fundamental rights or ACCIONA Energia itself, and/or likely to be considered criminal.
  • Introduce and/or disseminate on the Website content that violates human rights and human dignity, such as racist, xenophobic, pornographic content or any that endorses terrorism.

As established in our Privacy Policy, ACCIONA Energia undertakes to process the Users’ data always respecting its confidentiality, and to use it in accordance with the purposes for which it is collected, as well as to comply with its obligation to store it and adopt all necessary measures to prevent it alteration, loss, or processing or access to it by unauthorized third parties, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation on the protection of personal data.

To learn more about how we process your personal data, please read our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy.

The User must use the Website and its contents in accordance with the provisions of these Terms of Use, current legislation and good faith. Any use of the Website or its contents contrary to these Terms of Use, the law, or good faith is expressly prohibited, regardless of whether or not this use has an economic purpose.

The User shall be liable for any damage or harm caused to ACCIONA Energia or third parties arising directly or indirectly from any use that the User makes of the Website or its contents contrary to these Terms of Use, the law, morality, public order or good faith.

ACCIONA Energia requires services provided by third parties in order for the Website and its content to be accessible. It is possible that, despite the efforts made by ACCIONA Energia to keep the Website available and accessible, it may be suspended, interrupted or canceled for reasons beyond ACCIONA Energia control. Therefore, ACCIONA Energia does not guarantee that there will be no interruptions or errors in accessing the Website or its content, nor that it will be updated at all times, or presented in its latest version. Consequently, ACCIONA Energia declines any liability for damages that the User may suffer as a result of the Website’s suspension, interruption, lack of continuity, network failure or disconnection.

In no case and under no circumstances shall ACCIONA Energia be liable for damages or losses suffered by the User for reasons not attributable to ACCIONA Energia such as, by way of example and in no case limited to, natural disasters, force majeure or extreme emergency situations, viruses, harmful components, malfunctioning of the browser, network crashes, computer intrusions, or attacks by third parties.

The Website and its contents are subject to protection in application of the regulations in force on Intellectual and Industrial Property. ACCIONA Energia is the owner or has duly licensed all Intellectual and Industrial Property rights over the Website and its content.

Any form of reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation, making available and, in general, any other act of exploitation of the Website, whether or not for commercial purposes, be it onerous, or free of charge, or its content, is prohibited without the prior express consent of ACCIONA Energia.

ACCIONA Energia reserves all Intellectual and Industrial Property rights over the Website and its content. Under no circumstances shall access to the Website or browsing it entail any transfer of any kind by ACCIONA Energia of the Intellectual or Industrial Property rights of the Website and its content.

By reproducing, disseminating, publishing, sharing or sending any content on or through the Website, the User assures ACCIONA Energia that he/she is the legitimate owner thereof or that he/she holds the image, Intellectual and/or Industrial Property rights or any other rights necessary for the use, reproduction and public communication thereof. Likewise, by reproducing, disseminating, publishing, sharing or sending any content, regardless of its nature or content, on or through the Website, the User hereby irrevocably assigns to ACCIONA Energia, free of charge, on a non-exclusive basis, for the whole world, until the works enter the public domain, all intellectual property exploitation rights in all its forms, including the right to sublicense said rights to third parties.

All websites, platforms, forums, chats, blogs or other social networks that link to the Website must clearly state that they do not have the authorization or supervision of ACCIONA Energia, and that such a link does not entail, imply or suggest any association of any kind between ACCIONA Energia and the websites, platforms, forums, chat rooms, blogs or other social networks that link to the Website.

In any case, any link to the Website must take one directly to its homepage (start page) by clicking on the URL address, encompassing the entire screen.

In any case, ACCIONA Energia shall not be responsible for, under any circumstances, contents, information or data related to the Website, its content, or any other matter websites, platforms, forums, chat rooms, blogs or social networks of third parties that link to the Website.

It is expressly forbidden to link to the Website any websites, platforms, forums, chat rooms, blogs or social networks contrary to the law, morals or good customs, especially those featuring pornographic, illicit or illegal content, or any infringing human rights.

These Terms of Use shall be in force for as long as they are displayed to Users on the Website, such that as soon as they are modified or updated, in whole or in part, these Terms of Use shall cease to be in force, and the new Terms of Use shall govern the use of the Website and the relationship between ACCIONA Energia and the Users.

ACCIONA Energia informs Users that these Terms of Use may change over time. Thus, ACCIONA Energia reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use when necessary as a result of changes to the Website; modifications to ACCIONA Energia at the corporate level; economic, operational or business circumstances, changes in ACCIONA Energia business model, and/or legislative or jurisprudential developments. In the event of a modification of these Terms of Use, ACCIONA Energia shall notify Users on the homepage of the Website of this circumstance so that Users are duly informed and may consult the revisions, modifications or updates to their satisfaction.

ACCIONA Energia provides Users with contact forms through the Website, the contact telephone number 933 991 644; WhatsApp, at 648 693 387; and the email address, so that they can contact ACCIONA Energia to solve any problem or doubt they may have.

These Terms of Use, together with the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy, are governed by the Spanish regulations in force at any given time. In the event of a dispute, both parties shall submit, for the resolution of conflicts, to the jurisdiction corresponding to the User in accordance with the applicable regulations.

In no case and under no circumstances shall ACCIONA Energia failure to exercise its rights be construed as a waiver of them

The headings contained in the present conditions are merely approximate, or informative, such that they do not affect, qualify or extend the interpretation of the same.

In the event that any of the clauses contained in these Conditions is declared null, abusive or unenforceable, in whole or in part, by a judicial or administrative body, this declaration shall affect the clause in question individually, rendering it null and void, but the declaration of nullity, abuse or unenforceability may not be extended, under any circumstances, to the rest of the conditions, which shall remain in force.

Last version: May 25, 2020.

Website Terms and Conditions


The following is a list of the ACCIONA Group companies from which you agree to receive commercial messages in Spanish relating to products and services, as well as information on the business sectors in which they operate

ACCIONA Movilidad, through ACCIONA MOBILITY S.A, with Tax Code A-82582834 and with registered address at Avenida de Tenerife 4, 28703 – San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid). For more information, visit

  • BESTINVER GESTIÓN S.A. S.G.I.I.C., with Tax Code (NIF): A-78930005 and registered address at C/ Juan de Mena 8, planta 1, 28014 Madrid (for Investment Funds and Private Equity)
  • BESTINVER PENSIONES E.G.F.P. S.A., with Tax Code: A-81331720 and registered address at C/ Juan de Mena 8, planta 1, 28014 Madrid (for Pension Plans)
  • BESTINVER INDIVIDUAL EPSV., with Tax Code: V-95670717 and registered address at C/ Gran Vía Don Diego López de Haro 58, 4º – D, 48011 Bilbao (for Individual Social Benefit Plans, solely for residents of the Basque Country)

For more information, visit

ACCIONA Inmobiliaria, through ACCIONA INMOBILIARIA, S.L.U., with Tax Code B-84364579 and with registered address at Avenida Gran Vía de Hortaleza, 3, Campus ACCIONA, 28033 (Madrid). For more information, visit

Silence, through SCUTUM LOGISTICS, S.L., with Tax Code B-65168916 and with registered address at C/ Córcega 293, 08008 Barcelona. For more information, visit

ACCIONA Recarga, through ACCIONA RECARGA S.L. with Tax Code B-87797361 and with registered address at Avenida Gran Vía de Hortaleza, 1, Campus ACCIONA, 28033 Madrid. For more information, visit

  • Installation of domestic energy solutions through SOLIDEO ECO SYSTEMS S.L., with Tax Code B-67522110 and with registered address at Carretera de Rubí 102, 08174 Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona)
  • Electricity supply service through ALDERAAN ENERGÍA, S.L., with Tax Code B-09712837 and with registered address at C/ Eduardo Ibarra nº 2 planta 1, 50009 Zaragoza

For more information, visit

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